It was a great experience working with Apartmento Magazine. Nacho Alegre and Omar Sosa, directors…
Back from Il Salone
We are already back from Salone!! It was an intense week of work in which…
Hotel Sofitel Stephansdom
The Sofitel Stephansdom Hotel in Vienna was opened last December 14th – it is the…
And the winner is…
The U.S. Interior Design magazine, which organized the 5th BoY contest, awarded the Best of…
Estudihac shows us how trendsetters live
To illustrate the lifestyles prevalent in contemporary homes, the AIDIMA trends lab in collaboration with…
The Casa Camper from Berlin
The Casa Camper in Berlin is the second hotel of a very original project by…
To the cinema with Los abrazos rotos
After an amazing experience in the set of the Oscar wined Todo sobre mi madre…